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WAVES® Rewards Program

WAVES® Rewards Program

WAVES® Rewards Program

WAVES® Rewards Program

Dive Into an Ocean of Rewards

You already earn commission on every ALG Vacations® booking. But did you know you could be earning rewards points, too? Or that you can redeem them for travel or even cash on a virtual Visa card? Spanning all six ALG Vacations brands and awarding points for every booking you make online, WAVES® is our premier loyalty program, established to thank advisors like you for your partnership.

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    Manage Your Points in the WAVES® Dashboard

    Sign in to our advisor dashboard to trackand redeem!your points, view your accounts history, and shop at dozens of popular retailers.

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Minimum night stay may apply unless otherwise stated. Restrictions apply for bonus WAVES® offers. Excludes contracted groups bookings and bookings made via the call center unless otherwise noted. Every contracted group booking made online and via the groups call center earns base level WAVES points. FIT and GroupEase® bookings made via the call center do not qualify for base or bonus WAVES points. Advisors must be registered to book ALG Vacations in VAX VacationAccess at the time of booking and be employed by agency at the time of points redemption to qualify. WAVES points are automatically tracked based on VAX agency number and user name. Offers are subject to change without notice. Offers are not retroactive and additional restrictions may apply. This program may be altered or canceled at any time without notice.

1 Some agencies may opt to pool all accumulated WAVES® rewards points into one joint account.

2 Valid for child bookings only. Master agent reservations (parent bookings) for contracted group bookings do not qualify for points. Points are moved from pending to available in your account eight (8) days after travel is completed. If a booking is canceled, no points will be issued.

ALG Vacations® is not responsible for errors or omissions. Bookings are subject to the applicable brand’s current terms and conditions. ALG Vacations materials (including, but not limited to, names, trademark, service marks, logos, marketing materials, etc.) shall not be used, reproduced, transmitted or distributed in any way, except with the express written consent of ALG Vacations. CST #2139014-20.